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As for how the name "Sandramantos Publishing" came to be, you're entering deep into the trivia of Princess April Morning-Glory.

Below is a detail from page 27, which the Wise Wizard opens & reads to Princess April.  While the text on this detail's page is condensed and briefly referenced in the story's narrative, you have to pick up a magnifying glass to actually read this text -- which is fully legible despite its minute size.  This one piece shows just how detailed a level Letitia routinely worked at.  I'm extremely pleased that the Amazon Print On Demand (POD) quality is good enough to retain this level of detail in sharp, crisp delineation. 

The text in this detail reads:

To enter into the magic portals of Fairyland one must first do three good deeds.

Then if there is no malice in thy heart toward any living creature, look far and wide until thou has found a rainbow. Climb thou a tall mountain until the crest of the rainbow is before thee, then with the magic word - "Sandramantos" mount the crest of the rainbow and slide thee down into Fairyland.
To enter into the magic portals of Fairyland one must first do three good deeds.